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目  录

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 What is linguistics?
1.1.1 Definition
1.1.2 The scope of linguistics
1.1.3 Some important distinctions in linguistics
1.2 What is language?
1.2.1 Definitions of language
1.2.2 Design features of language
1.2.3 Functions of language
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For further reading
Chapter 2 Phonology
2.1 The phonic medium of language
2.2 Phoics
2.2.1 What is phoics?
2.2.2 Organs of speech
2.2.3 Orthographic representation of speech sounds ——broad and narrow transcriptions
2.2.4 Classification of English speech sounds
2.3 Phonology
2.3.1 Phonology and phoics
2.3.2 Phone, phoneme, and allophone
2.3.3 Phonemic contrast, plementary distribution, and minimal pair
2.3.4 Some rules in phonology
2.3.5 Suprasegmental features —— stress, tone, intonation
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For further reading
Chapter 3 Morphology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Open class and closed class
3.3 Morphemes —— the minimal units of meaning
3.4 Analyzing word structures
3.5 Derivational and inflectional morphemes
3.6 Morphological rules of word formation
3.7 Derivation
3.8 Compounds
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For further reading
Chapter 4 Syntax
4.1 What is syntax?
4.2 Categories
4.2.1 Word-level categories
4.2.2 Phrase categories and their structures
4.3 Phrase structure rule
4.3.1 XPrule
4.3.2 Coordination rule
4.4 Phrase elements
4.4.1 Specifiers
4.4.2 Complements
4.4.3 Modifiers
4.5 Sentences (The S rule)
4.6 Transformations
4.6.1 Auliary movement
4.6.2 Do insertion
4.6.3 Deep structure and surface structure
4.6.4 Wh movement
4.6.5 Move a and constraints on transformations
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For further reading
Chapter 5
5.1 What is semantics?
5.2 Some views concerning the study of meaning
5.2.1 The naming theory
5.2.2 The conceptualist view
5.2.3 Contextualism
5.2.4 Behaviorism
5.3 Lecal meaning
5.3.1 Sense and reference
5.3.2 Major sense relations
5.4 Sense relatioween sentences
5.5 Analysis of meaning
5.5.1 Componential analysis —— a way to analyze lecal meaning
5.5.2 Predication analysis —— a way to analyze sentence meaning
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Chapter 6 Pragmatics
6.1 Some basic notions
6.1.1 Definition
6.1.2 Pragmatics vs. semantics
6.1.3 Context
6.1.4 Sentence meaning vs. utterance meaning
6.2 Speech act theory
6.2.1 Austin's model of speech acts
6.2.2 Searle's classification of speech acts
6.2.3 Indirect speech acts
6.3 Principle of conversation
6.4 Cross-cultural pragmatic failure
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For further reading
Chapter 7 Language Change
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Phonological changes
7.3 Morphological and syntactic change
7.3.1 Addition of affixes
7.3.2 Loss of affixes
7.3.3 Change of word order
7.3.4 Change in negation rule
7.4 Lecal and semantic change
7.4.1 Addition of new words
7.4.2 Loss of words
7.4.3 Semantic changes
7.5 Some recent trends
7.5.1 Moving towards greater informality
7.5.2 The influence of American English
7.5.3 The influence of science and technology
7.6 The causes of language change
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For further reading
Chapter 8 Language and Society
8.1 The scope of sociolinguistics
8.1.1 The relatednesetween language and society
8.1.2 Speech munity and speech variety
8.1.3 Two approaches to sociolinguistic studies
8.2 Varieties of language
8.2.1 Dialectal varieties
8.2.2 Register
8.2.3 Degree of formality
8.3 Standard dialect
8.4 Pidgin and Creole
8.5 Bilingualism and diglossia
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For further reading
Chapter 9 Language and Culture
9.1 Introduction
9.2 What is culture?
9.3 The relationship between language and culture
9.4 Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
9.5 Linguistic evidence of cultural differences
9.5.1 Greetings and terms of address
9.5.2 Gratitude and pliments
9.5.3 Colour words
9.5.4 Privacy and taboos
9.5.5 Rounding off numbers
9.5.6 Words and cultural-specific connotations
9.5.7 Cultural-related idioms, proverbs and metaphors
9.6 Culture contact, cultural overlap and diffusion
9.7 The significance of cultural teaching and learning
9.8 Intercultural munication
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For further reading
Chapter 10 Language Acquisition
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Theories of child language acquisition
10.2.1 A behaviourist view of language acquisition
10.2.2 An innatist view of language acquisition
10.2.3 An interactionist view of language acquisition
10.3 Cognitive development in child language development
10.4 Language environment and the Critical Period Hypo thesis
10.5 Stages in child language development
10.5.1 Phonological development
10.5.2 Vocabulary development
10.5.3 Grammatical development
10.5.4 Pragmatic development
10.6 Atypical development
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For further reading
Chapter 11 Second Language Acquisition
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Connectioween first language acquisition and second language acquisition
11.3 Contrastive analysis
11.4 Error analysis
11.5 Interlanguage
11.6 The role of the native language in second language learning
11.7 Second language learning models and input hypothesis
11.8 Individual differences
11.9 Second language acquisition and its pedagogical implications
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For further reading
Chapter 12 Language and the Brain
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Neurolinguistics
12.2.1 What is neurolinguistics?
12.2.2 The struce and function of the human brain
12.2.3 Methods for the study of the brain and evidences for lateralization
12.2.4 Aphasia
12.3 Psycholinguistics
12.3.1 What is psycholinguistics?
12.3.2 Psycholinguistic research methods
12.3.3 Linguistics and language processing
12.3.4 Psycholinguistic modeling
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For further reading
A Glossary in English and Chinese


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